About The Remnant Expedition

rem·nant  (rmnnt)


1. Something left over; a remainder.
2. A piece of fabric remaining after the rest has been used or sold.
3. A surviving trace or vestige: a remnant of his past glory.
4. A small surviving group of people. Often used in the plural.

ex·pe·di·tion  (ksp-dshn)



a. A journey undertaken by a group of people with a definite objective: an expedition against the enemy stronghold; a scientific expedition to the South Pole.
b. The group undertaking such a journey.
2. Speed in performance; promptness.


Amos 9:11-12



Braiden Ras: A husband and father to 3, a worship leader in the local church, songwriter. Diploma in Ministry and in the final year of obtaining a Bachelors of Theology. Bearded Bard and, on occasion, makes a decent cappuccino.

David Phipson: A man after Gods heart, a loving husband and father, worship leader in a local church deep in the heart of Zululand. Singer-songwriter and a teacher who is instructing young mad scientists in they way they should go.

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